Sociolinguistic Perspectives in Education: Episode 31
Brianna: Hi everyone! Welcome back to another episode of Teacher Avenue. I’m your host Brianna and I am here with Laveena, Bianca, Daynah, Karina and Olivia and today will be talking about “The Power of Translanguaging”. *Everyone introduced themselves* As we are learning to become teachers there was a lot of important information discussed throughout this class and the power of translanguaging was one that we focused on and shared many ideas and opinions on throughout.
Laveena: Hi!
Olivia: Hi, thank you for having me on the podcast!
Bianca: Hi!
Daynah: Hi!
Karina: Hi!
Brianna: So to start off today's podcast we are going to ask the question, what is translanguaging? (everyone can pitch in and write what they think translanguaging is)
Brianna: The actual definition of Translanguaging is when an individual who speaks more than one language incorporates two languages in a single sentence to communicate to others. What are your guys' thoughts on this?
Daynah: Translanguaging- when a multilingual individual communicates by intermingling two or more languages when they are talking. An example of this is, a spanish speaker may say “ I estudio everyday” this is them incorporating both of their language repertoires into a sentence as they speak, instead of narrowly focusing or neglecting one language.
Karina: Translanguaging is when you combine two languages, such as English and Spanish, when communicating with others. For instance yesterday as I was talking to my friend about the world cup, I said “there's no way, Brazil just scored 4 gols in los primero forty minutes'', I was using both english and spanish to communicate with my friend, and this allows us to tap into both languages that we speak.
Olivia: In addition translanguaging is a very important concept that allows all individuals to feel recognized in the classroom setting and encourages speaking multiple languages in an environment. This concept is significant because it encourages and enables teaching multiple languages and supports students who essentially are multilingual. In addition, translanguaging creates an equal learning environment and positively motivates all students to participate.
Bianca: Translanguaging is the process of tapping into your linguistic abilities and using more than one language when speaking. This helps students conversate and make sense of the world around them!
Laveena: Translanguaging is a way to incorporate more than one language when talking and this is really beneficial since it can always tie back to one’s culture.
Brianna: Do you guys speak multiple languages and if so what? Personally I am only fluent in English but I took Spanish for 6 years and can understand, read and write in Spanish pretty well. But what about you guys?
Bianca: Yes, I speak English and Spanish!
Olivia: No. I only speak English, however I know some Spanish words because I studied Spanish for six years in middle and high school. In addition, I work at a pizzeria and all of the chefs speak spanish. I know some of it and can have a conversation but I don’t speak it on an everyday basis. I can see how translanguaging plays a huge part in everyday life.
Daynah: I only speak English as well . but likewise, i have been exposed to both spanish and italian due to my highschool and middle school classes.
Laveena: Yes, I speak English and Malayalam
Karina: Yes, I speak both English and Spanish.
Brianna: Okay , so we have some variety here
Brianna: When we think about translanguaging, how could that be beneficial to someone who doesn't speak English fluently?
Bianca:Translanguaging helps students learn better by referencing languages they do know.
Laveena: Translanguaging can be beneficial, because if one doesn't speak english fluently that individual could be able to learn english better by incorporating the two languages they speak. This could also make the individual comfortable in speaking as well.
Daynah: there is no one, solitary way to speak english. There is so much diversity that exists, and language repertoires. Thus, translanguaging is an effective means for an individual to communicate with another individual.
Olivia: Translanguaging can be beneficial and helpful to individuals who can not effortlessly speak English because it will allow individuals to become interested in conversation when they can understand part of what someone is saying. Translanguaging allows variety to flow in conversation.
Brianna: What are your guys' experiences with translanguaging?
Bianca: As a bilingual student myself, I have had some experiences with translanguaging. In my early days of schooling I would often switch between English and Spanish depending on my environment, what I understood, and what was easier for me to say. This helped me learn and grow between both of my languages.
Laveena: As someone whose first language wasn't English, I have had many experiences with translanguaging. When I first started learning English I remember, I would say some words in Malayalam since I didn't know how to say them in English. As time went on I started learning english and learning how to speak the language, which is when in school settings I stopped incorporating Malayalam words. Likewise, when I talk to my parents I always use translanguaging. Sometimes when I try to get my point across, speaking in Malayalam wouldn't justify what I am trying to say so I use English and Malayalam when talking with my parents.
Karina: Since English is also my second language, I use translanguaging almost every day. I would often speak in both English and Spanish with my friends, and I often use translanguaging at work, with patients who speak mostly Spanish, in order for them to better understand what I am saying.
Olivia: My experiences with translanguaging mainly exist at my workplace when communicating with the chefs that have learned english over time.
Daynah: I also use translanguaging in the workplace as well.
Brianna : As future teachers,how can we incorporate translanguaging into the classroom to give children an overall better environment that supports their learning and reading capabilities?
Bianca: Translanguaging is something that is crucial in today’s classroom. As future educators, it is important to understand that every child has a different linguistic background. Translanguaging is beneficial in the learning of students because it helps them encompass all of their linguistic abilities. We can apply this idea to our classrooms by incorporating lessons and activities that allow students to learn and express themselves in different ways.
Karina : As future teachers, we can accommodate students by allowing them to tap into their native linguistic practices, and create lesson plans that allow them to use both languages. We can encourage multilingual interactions between our students, and allow students to share their linguistic skills to one another, to create a supportive environment.
Laveena: As teachers, it is our responsibility to make sure that all students feel comfortable in the classroom setting. When students incorporate translanguaging when speaking, it's important to realize that, that's the way the student is comfortable communicating and as teachers we should acknowledge that.
Olivia: As teachers I believe it is important I recognize all languages in the classroom to make everyone feel special and equal. It is especially important to acknowledge each student's culture and background whether they only speak English or if they speak multiple languages.
Daynah: Yes, I agree. It is so important to create an inclusive environment where all children are welcomed and feel accepted despite their different backgrounds. Every child should consider each other their equal and it is so important that we create an environment where this is true. We have to strive to create an environment that no one will feel judged or that will deter them from participating in class.
Brianna: Have you guys ever used translanguaging to communicate with others? Personally I have not because I only speak English but I’m curious if you guys have.
Karina: Yes all the time, with my friends, family, coworkers, and patients. When I can't find the word I'm looking for in one language, I say it in the other.
Laveena: Yes I have, sometimes when I talk to my parents I tend to use Malayalam and English together since some words in Malayalam I am not too sure how to say so I tend to say those words in English.
Bianca: Yes, when speaking to friends who only speak English, I speak English. While at home, I speak a mixture of both English and Spanish.
Olivia: Yes, all the time at work I will communicate in both English and Spanish.
Brianna: Thank you guys so much for talking about your experiences with translanguaging. I feel like we all definitely learned something new. Until next time!